Take control of your cash flow

Open multiple accounts with dedicated IBANs to separate your expense items, activities, and create team budgets

Organize your expense items

  1. Put money aside by creating multiple accounts for your most common expenses and manage your company's cash flow as you see fit.
  2. Save for taxes, payroll, travel expenses, supplier payments...
  3. Secure funds you shouldn't spend

Allocate team budgets and track expenses

  1. Marketing, Logistics... Empower your teams and gain visibility on the expenses of each department.
  2. Pay your subscriptions with the relevant budgets
  3. Your members' cards are associated with team budgets
  4. Enjoy visibility and budget tracking at a glance

Get the accounts you deserve

  1. No matter their use, all your accounts come with a dedicated local IBAN and all the means of payment you need
  2. Mastercard cards for your employees and to pay for subscriptions
  3. Transfers all over the world: SEPA instant transfers and direct debits
  4. Dedicated account statements

Get a dedicated account for each of your activities

  1. Is your company handling several activities? Open an account for each of them to see things clearly.
  2. Separate the finances of your different activities
  3. Local IBAN

Trusted by 400 000 companies

Frequently asked questions

Who can open multiple accounts?

How many current accounts can I open?

How much does it cost to open multiple accounts?

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