Creators Night 28/09/2023

Magazin in der Heeresbäckerei - Berlin

16:15 - 18:00 on-site workshops

18:00 - 23:00 on-site event

Register to join Creators Night

*By registering to the event, you guarantee that you have read and accepted the General T&Cs of Participation. 
Qonto collects and processes your personal data to sign you up to the event. Learn more about how we manage your data and your rights.


Meet successful founders, investors, and startup partners, enjoying an evening of inspiring talks and conversation.


Sign up for our exclusive masterclasses: learn how to successfully pitch your startup idea, become more visible through personal branding, and build a distinctive brand.

The Agenda

Network with other creators, investors, and startup partners, while learning from our experts how to secure fundraising and attract investors. 


The Speakers

Meet our outstanding network of investors, company partners, and successful founders: Deborah Choi, Susie Meier, Magdalena Oehl, Fabian Tausch, Lukas Zörner, Diana zur Löwen, and Tijen Onaran.

Sign up for exclusive masterclasses*

Learn the best ways to pitch your startup idea, become visible as a founder through personal branding, and build a distinctive brand. 

*The number of places is limited, so please register early.


Pitch your startup!

Do you have a brilliant idea for your own startup? Apply now to participate in the Creators Night Pitch Competition.Diana zur Löwen, founder of Rawr Ventures, who was also a jury member on Höhle der Löwen, will award the best pitch together with the audience. The winner will enjoy a 1-year free subscription to Qonto's Essential Plan. On top of that, €1,000 in seed capital will be deposited to your business account!

The previous Creators Night

Creators Night number 2 was an inspiring success! More than 250 participants attended, including Diana zur Löwen, Miriam Wohlfarth, Lukas Zörner, and Patrick Haede. We’re thrilled to bring the event back for a third edition.

Register for Creators Night 3

Work smarter, not harder

Benefit from our partner offers and receive helpful tools to grow your business.

3 months free of Qonto

Sign up for Qonto's Essential Plan with monthly payments worth €34 and get 3 months free.*

12 months free of sevDesk

Sign up with sevDesk for a 24-month subscription to the plan "Buchhaltung" (€17.90/month) and get 12 months free.**

6 months of Notion AI for free

Try Notion for Startups with unlimited artificial intelligence support for 6 months free.**

Our partners

Join Creators Night

Meet successful founders, investors and partners while enjoying an evening of inspiring discussions.


What is Creators Night by Qonto?

When and where is Creators Night?

Is attendance at Creators Night free of charge?

Is this event open to everyone?

Can I bring a +1?

How to apply for the masterclasses?

How to apply for the startup pitch competition?

How can I join remotely via live stream?

When is the deadline for registration?

How can I reach the organizers in case of any questions?

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